An Illustrated Guide to 30 Cocktails

Tales of the Cocktail kicks off today, and although I couldn't be there in person (I sadly had a work conflict), I feel like I'm still there in spirit!

And this handy dandy illustrated guide to 30 cocktails, from Food Republic, will certainly help us mix up something to drink away the sadness of missing this epic event. 

Covering pretty much every classic you should have under your belt (and more), this list is as educational as it is lovely to look at! Enjoy!

Women Who Whiskey Launches in Boston!

Photo Credit: Lucas Ritz Toffoli

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Women Who Whiskey Boston Chapter, which held its inaugural event on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, at Saloon in Davis Square, Somerville. 

The launch party was hosted in conjunction with Whistlepig Rye Whiskey, featuring two kinds of rye sampled neat - the 10-year Straight Rye and the limited-edition 12-year Old World Rye - as well two cocktails specially designed by the Saloon mixology team. 

Whistlepig Steward of the Brand, Gregory Gatti, spoke to us a little bit about the different whiskeys, and led us through a guided tasting of both spirits. wWw Boston Chapter President Ilana Weiss spent the evening making the rounds of new members (and there were many!), getting to know as many people as possible, and fielding ideas for future events. 

I was just so thrilled to have been able to make the last-minute whirlwind trip up to Boston for the event, and blown away by the enthusiasm and support, that I spent most of the evening going around thanking everyone for coming. 

Having been born and raised in Boston, this launch was particularly special for me. Getting to see what started as a tiny group of friends in New York blossom into something making it all the way back to my hometown has been truly amazing. 

We knew that Boston was excited to get its own wWw Chapter, but we didn't know how much until we announced the launch! Over sixty ladies came to the inaugural event, and our membership is already two hundred strong. 

We're really looking forward to seeing where this new chapter is going to grow, and so excited to get to know all the ladies that are going to help us take it there. 

A huge thanks to Saloon, for being such gracious and welcoming hosts, and to Whistlepig Rye, for being the best partners we could ask for in launching wWw Boston. 


Julia Ritz Toffoli
Founder & Principal



Are you a delicate lady flower who can't handle regular masculine whiskey? Well now there's a special fruity pink whiskey for you and your vagina!

Every once in a while, I start to feel like Women Who Whiskey's mission is starting to come to fruition. 

When I tell stories of condescending bartenders these days, I get more raised eyebrows than recognition; it seems that--thankfully!--my past experiences aren't so common anymore. Women are going to bars and being embraced rather than ostracized as whiskey drinkers. It's great! 

But juuuust when I'm about to sing the praises of progress, something like this happens:

Heaven Hill Brands Launches Raven’s Lace PeachBerry Whiskey

"BARDSTOWN, Ky. – Raven’s Lace PeachBerry Whiskey is a flavored whiskey with both a wild and sweet side. Offering an alternative to masculine dominated flavored whiskeys, Raven’s Lace is a one-of-a-kind whiskey with a vibrant attitude and feminine touch with the juxtaposition of a darker side.
Available in June, Raven’s Lace PeachBerry Whiskey infuses juicy peach and sweet strawberry flavors with the smoothness of Bourbon whiskey at an approachable 60 proof. Raven’s Lace PeachBerry Whiskey primarily appeals to the growing segment of female consumers for whom traditional whiskey is not necessarily their drink of choice but are interested in the sweet taste of flavored whiskeys. By all accounts, flavored whiskey is growing tremendously and makes up 12% of whiskey sales according to the Wall Street Journal. And women are playing an increasingly important role in the whiskey category with about 40% of flavored whiskey consumed by females.
“We see tremendous opportunity for consumer diversification in flavored whiskey,” said Hannah Venhoff, Brand Manager for Raven’s Lace PeachBerry Whiskey. “Many of the flavored whiskeys on the market take a macho and assertive approach. Raven’s Lace features a trend-setting flavor profile targeting females looking for a sweet flavored whiskey with a bold color and package that is made for them.”
Raven’s Lace PeachBerry whiskey packaging features an intricate feminine lace design coupled with the Raven’s mysterious side incorporated in a unique label which dramatically contrasts the vibrant peach whiskey in the bottle."

I will stop there, because, well, I think that's all we need to read to see how obnoxiously condescending and pandering this kind of marketing toward women is. Bold emphasis mine, by the way. 

"A vibrant attitude and feminine touch"
"At an accessible 60 proof"
"A trend-setting flavor profile targeting females"

What in the actual fuck? Apparently nothing over 60 proof is accessible to us delicate flowers. Our arms would probably snap in half under the weight of a glass of regular, manly whiskey! And apparently anything that doesn't have bold day-glo packaging is just to subtle for our girlish taste. Only pink drinks for me, please!

I'm having uncomfortable flashbacks to the Bic Pens for Her fiasco. Thankfully, the internet came through then with some of the most delightfully snarky responses, as it did in this case:

Juliet and Alex, of Glitter Kitten Industries, made this hilariously (tragically?) on point parody video in response to Heaven Hill's press release. 

Raven's Lace: Whiskey Your Way? More like whiskey your vagina's way.

Thank you, ladies, for helping us get through the rage with some laughter.

Now who wants a Scotch? 

On Stereotyping Whiskey-Drinking Women, and Asking Better Questions

Yesterday, Heather Greene's Eater column about Stereotyping Whiskey-Drinking Women was making the rounds. And  rightly so! 

She asks what it would be like if men were stereotyped in the same way that women are, a question stemming from an all too common experience: 

In the whirlwind weeks immediately following the launch of my book last fall, my fancy publicist inundated me with a slew of email requests that most writers only dream about. I whooped and hollered over coffee after reading messages such as, "CBS This Morning wants to talk to you." Later, I'd hop into a cab, coiffed and pumped for a television appearance, ready to talk whiskey.

And then this would happen: "What does it mean to be a women in whiskey?" or, "What kinds of whiskey do women drink?" or the nebulous, "What can you tell us about women and whiskey?"

But I didn't write a book about women and whiskey. I wrote a book about whiskey. So by the tenth woman-and-whiskey-themed interview, I began feeling ornery: 

"What's it like to be a woman in whiskey?"
How the hell would I know otherwise.

To flip the script, she goes on to identify a number of male whiskey-drinking personasThe Pappy Obsessive, The Whiskey EOE (Expert on Everything), The Non-Believerall spot on and hilarious.

But I want to stay on the kinds of questions she got, just by virtue of being a woman in a "man's" domain. 

You might say that highlighting "women in whiskey" is the cornerstone of what we're trying to do here at Women Who Whiskey. But our intention is not so much to draw it out as a special phenomenon to be inspected like a foreign object; rather we hope to socialize the idea of women in whiskey until it becomes so mundane that people stop asking these kinds of incredulous (and incredibly daft) questions.

Steamrolling a woman's desire to speak towith expertisean issue of substance that's important to her, only to marvel at her very interest in that topic in the first place, is both condescending, and frankly, not a very good use of deductive reasoning.

While we certainly don't have the same level of public visibility or expertise as Heather Greene, we're all too familiar with the treatment she's endured in being seen as a novelty rather than a legitimate source of thought. 

If a woman is on your show (or being interviewed for your article) in her capacity as a woman who drinks whiskey (whether professionally or recreationally), maybe your first question should not be "So! Women actually drink brown liquor?"* It seems that the answer to that is fairly self-evident, and it's concerning if that's a conclusion that isn't easily reached. 

The media, in particular, could stand to learn a thing or two about reporting on trend issues in an intelligent way, without just repeating the catalytic part of the news over and over again, as if they were the first to break the story. I suppose that if the easy novel side of the story is still selling papers, why bother spending more time and effort (and money) reporting on the actual substance?

But maybe if the news coverage were a little more intelligent, and a little less focused on the novelty, we'd stop getting these kinds of asinine questions from the broader male population as well.

While the frequency with which this happens has diminished over the years, I still encounter the occasional skeptical male bartender, who, when I order a whiskey, neat, perplexedly tilts his head to the side, and asks if I wouldn't like a glass of white wine instead. Just the other day, our Portland Chapter Co-President, Christine, was offered a cocktail menu when she ordered a whiskey. Her response"Put my fucking whiskey in a glass."pretty much sums up how I feel about that anecdote. 

Not to mention male bystanders who think that my ordering a whiskey authorizes them to have, and share, their opinion on the matter. It's not always a condescending and rude "Sure you can handle that?" More often than not men actually express admiration and awe, which at first seems less insidious, but when you think about it, is actually worse. Imagine how he would react if I expressed admiration and awe at his being able to make it to the bar and order a drink, all by himself, or anything else that's really no less remarkable than a woman drinking whiskey. 

When will men cease to be shocked by the fact that we do the same things that they do?

In fact, it's starting to look more and more like anything they can do, we can do better

*This was an actual first question posed to us during a live television segment.

Women Who Whiskey on Fox & Friends!

Women Who Whiskey was invited to be on Fox & Friends this morning! 

Watch the full clip here:

We (Julia and Samantha) were equally excited and petrified. And what could possibly alleviate such fears? Practice (and a few Manhattans). We mixed our little hearts out the night before, practicing not breaking glasses and dropping bottles. Can the women who whiskey zest under pressure? This would be the ultimate test.

A celebratory nightcap before the big day...

Women Who Stand on Tables and Women Who Recycle LLC applications currently in process.

Photo Apr 10, 22 07 33.jpg

Featuring some of our favorites: E.H. Taylor Bourbon, Tullamore DEW Irish Whisky, and the delicious and spicy Whistlepig Rye from Vermont. 

So we forgot key parts of our setup (6:30 am brain) but look at those stupid grins! We didn't care! 

Backstage setting up!

So we thought we'd done our makeup. And then television makeup happened and our skin struggled for oxygen.

And we thought we'd done our hair. And then television hair happened, in all its teased glory.

And then it was time.

Okay, we're made up. Our hair is as big as our affection for a barrel-aged manhattan. The table is set. Only one thing left to do.

The view from the other side...

We chatted with the hosts about the rising trend of women and whiskey, and walked viewers through how to make a Manhattan. We didn't drop anything and said all real words--a success! 

Even Willow, our puppy mascot, got a little cameo! 

It was very exciting and we're so thrilled to have been invited on the show! And to answer the question burning in everyone's question, yes, we drank the manhattans afterward at 8:45am. Prost!